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SB 823 (DJJ Realignment)

To be eligible for funding, each county must form a subcommittee of its juvenile justice coordinating council (JJCC) that must develop and submit an annual plan to the OYCR on May 1st annually. The JJCC Subcommittee will continue to meet to monitor the progress and implementation of the SYTF. Modifications and adjustments to the plan will be made as needed.

The youth must be adjudicated and found to be a ward of the court based on an offense listed in subdivision (b) of Section 707 (primarily serious or violent offenses) or PC 290.008, and the 707(b) offense is their most recent offense. The youth must be deemed unsuitable by the court for a less restrictive alternative setting.

  • Chief Probation Officer, as chair
  • District Attorney’s Office
  • Public Defenders Office
  • Department of Social Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • County Office of Education or a School District
  • Representative from the Court
  • Six (6) community members - who shall be defined as individuals who have experience providing community-based youth services, youth justice advocates with expertise and knowledge of the juvenile justice system or have been directly involved in the juvenile justice system.
    • Specifically, two (2) of the six (6) membership seats are reserved for young people with lived experience in a detention/custodial setting such as juvenile hall, ranch or DJJ who are age 27 or under and, at appointment, have completed probation or parole. The subcommittee will also include justice system, education, and behavioral health stakeholders.

Meetings of the Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council (JJCC) Juvenile Realignment Subcommittee are public, and agendas can be accessed on the County of Santa Clara Meeting Portal.

The County of Santa Clara invites members of the community to apply. We are seeking community members who have experience providing community-based services to youth, are youth justice advocates with expertise and knowledge of the juvenile justice system or are young adults who have been directly involved in the juvenile justice system. Specifically, two (2) of the five (5) membership seats are reserved for young people with lived experience in a detention/custodial setting, such as juvenile hall, ranch or DJJ, who are age 27 or under and, at appointment, have completed probation or parole. All are encouraged to apply!

See the Membership Appointment Application